St Luke’s Curriculum
At St Luke’s we follow in the footsteps of Jesus as we live, love and learn together.
Through the curriculum, we aim to enable every pupil to participate fully within our school, local and wider communities as responsible, self-confident citizens. We actively promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical qualities of all pupils.
- Our pupils benefit from the care, support and stability the whole school community gives them, so they are secure in their school environment and succeed in a variety of learning experiences, including remote learning.
- In Nursery and Reception we follow the EYFS areas of learning.
- Our KS 1 & 2 curriculum is built on the National Curriculum Programmes of Study.
- Our curriculum provides pupils with the essential knowledge that they need to be educated and intelligent citizens.
- We are ambitious for all pupils including disadvantaged and SEND, irrespective of background or ability and believe they all have an entitlement to receive a broad and balanced curriculum, so that each pupil can fulfil their potential in all areas of the curriculum, whether that be in school or through our remote learning platform when necessary.
- Reading is an essential skill for learning across the school’s curriculum offer and for lifelong learning. Reading is given a very high priority throughout the school for each pupil.
- We provide children with a wide range of vocabulary as research shows this to be the biggest barrier to disadvantaged children in achieving. We aim to address social disadvantage by placing vocabulary at the heart of our curriculum.
- Our curriculum allows all children to become confident and fluent with an extensive range of powerful vocabulary.
- Our curriculum takes into account current research into the knowledge based curriculum and cognitive learning.
- We provide a wealth of experiences so pupils can build upon a sequenced knowledge based curriculum, enabling them to grow and develop personally and academically as they reach defined end points.
- We ensure that all children gain a wealth of experiences beyond learning facts in the classroom. Our curriculum will inspire children to want to learn more and provoke children’s intellectual curiosity.
- St Luke’s curriculum will lead to our pupils achieving well at secondary school and beyond, followed by further study or in the world of work. It will enable them to become well informed, responsible and cultured citizens who will make a positive contribution to their communities in the future.
- We want our children to harness a love of learning and to have access to knowledge of the world, in order to enable them to take responsibility to sustain and care for it.
- Our curriculum is taught through challenging topics with an emphasis on developing Reading and how the curriculum is taught.
- To ensure our curriculum is exciting and motivating, we bring learning to life through a host of visits and visitors.
- Our curriculum is designed to ensure: deep learning, focusing on extending those who are at greater depth within the curriculum areas; engagement with their learning and initiating the direction of the units of study, particularly within the foundation subjects ensuring breath and balance.
- There is also a strong emphasis on developing vocabulary across the curriculum. We believe that a rich understanding of words enable children to become better learners and prepares them for the challenges of the outside world.
- That all children leave St Luke’s with a sense of belonging, where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become life-long learners.
- At St Luke’s we use rigorous triangulated monitoring throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum design. We monitor individual subjects: reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, providing individual feedback to move practice forward, celebrating positives and highlighting areas of development to continue to move forward.
- Our whole school team strengthen our ethos and vision as we work together to reflect upon our curriculum and share outcomes driving forward next steps.
- Learning is measured through careful analysis of application of skills across the curriculum; showing how acquisition of knowledge is enhanced by expectations to evidence quality thinking and demonstrate individual understanding.
- Triangulated monitoring measures performance against individual and school targets.
If you require any further information about the curriculum then please contact the Head Teacher on 0151 477 8580.